Nashville Family Photographer


Blog – Jenny Parker Photography

Junebug is Three!! | Momma's Favorites | Franklin, Tn Lifestyle and Documentary Photographer

My sweet baby girl turned 3 years old this past week. I know perfectly well that my wish for her to stay little forever is a complete impossibility. And although some days feel like they will never end, the time has gone as quickly as I knew it would. I still remember the first time I felt her move inside me, and the first moment I ever saw her face. I love her in a way I will never be able to explain. She wraps her arms around my legs, and I melt.

This girl is funny, independent, loquacious (pulled a big one out on you!!), adamant, sweet as pie, loves to be “nakie,” read books, wrestle with her big brother and strap her own self into the car seat as well as wiping her own bootie and putting on her own shoes. She prefers them on the wrong feet and please don’t tell her anything!

One summer birthday down, one more to go. My son is already planning all the things we’ll do on his birthday in July.

Barely a day goes by that I do not pick up my camera with my two little muses around for inspiration. I will likely never have enough time to get around to editing all the pictures I have, but these are a little sample of my favorites of her this past year.