Nashville Family Photographer


Blog – Jenny Parker Photography

A Diaper Change with Lovebug & Junebug | In-home with Momma | Franklin, Tn Documentary Photographer

I have had an interest in photography for a long time.  I took an in-person class (more years than I'd like to admit ago) long before the days of online tutorials and workshops, but my obsession began as the birth of my first born drew closer.  

I had an unexplainable desire to capture every detail, every moment of his precious little life.  The smiles, the screams, the poops, I wanted it all.  And I wanted it to be clean and beautiful.  But with the birth of my second child, I realized, my life is chaotic.  There are a lot of moving parts, bad things have happened but amazing things have happened too.  And it's not always perfectly tidy and clean.  It's often really messy.  We are all a mess, the house is a disaster most of the time.  But this is our life, just as it looked on this day.  And I needed to be pictured in that moment too; the kids need to know where their crazy comes from.  And yet it's still so beautiful.

So...on this day, Bubbie really wanted to help Sissy with her diaper.  But Sissy has a mind of her own, and she's not keen on having that diaper back on just yet.  These are the details, the precious moments that sparked my love for photography all those years ago.  I hope my kids are proud to have these images some day, to look back and see a moment in their life, so real and messy and beautiful.

(And also, for when Bubbie reads this as a teenager, he said regarding the picture of him crying, he is not crying because he is sad, he is crying because he is mad.)