Nashville Family Photographer


Blog – Jenny Parker Photography

Strawberry Picking for Three | Delvin Farms | Franklin, TN Family Photographer

You just never know what the day may bring and who you may meet.  My husband and I decided to take our two kiddos to pick strawberries.  I always have big, magical dreams about what adventures we may encounter.  I packed a lunch, we found a patch that does not douse their berries in chemicals and off we went.  What I expect to happen and what really happens are usually two different stories, but really, they are both our story.  Life with kids is sometimes tough.  They cry because you put the ketchup on the wrong side of the plate, or you gave them the yellow plate, and they HATE yellow.  You loved it yesterday, so anyone could see that it’s confusing for me, except said child, of course.    

As we walked to the fields, the beauty of the flowers and gorgeous red berries begging to be picked struck me.  Rain was a possibility, and the sun was coming and going as the clouds built in the sky.  I was quite taken by the momma and her two daughters who were also adventuring in the strawberry fields that day.  She was asking another picker to take pictures of her and her girls with her cell phone.  She wanted to document those precious moments just as I did with my own kids.

So over I went and asked if I could take pictures of them.   They were so gracious to let me capture a few minutes of them picking berries together.  It was the girl's last day of school, and they certainly had not planned a photography session.  They were simply together, picking berries and enjoying a few along the way! 

More from my own family’s adventure another day…